“Raw-Matcha-Choc-Chip-Cookie-Dough-Ice-Cream-Sandwiches” I hear you say… Yes you heard that mouthful right! And yes it is in my Primal Beauty section for a reason…
Matcha green tea has a reputation for a lot of good health benefits, from weight loss to removing chemical toxins and heavy metals within the body, but what many people don’t discuss are the benefits it has upon our skin! Matcha contains a whopping 130+ more antioxidants than regular green tea and these antioxidants help to protect your skin from signs of ageing. You’d have to drink 10 cups of regular green tea to reap all of the benefits from one cup of matcha. Matcha also contains a vast array of minerals and vitamins but most notably vitamins A and C. So, when Pure Chimp offered to send me a batch of their Super Tea how could I resist? I had to whip up a crazily yummy summer dessert and pronto!
Although Pure Chimp know what goes inside your body affects your skin they don’t scrimp on outside beauty care either – they have a whole host of skin and hair care products ready to fill your primal bathroom cabinet!
It’s not just the matcha that gives a great antioxidant boost, it’s also the raw chocolate – cacao is packed full of antioxidants! And if you think I’m going to stop there then you are wrong! Coconut oil and almonds work wonders for skin, and not just externally, almonds contain high levels of vitamin E and both coconut oil and almonds contain healthy fats that will help to boost your metabolism and heal any dry skin problems from the inside out. Raw honey contains vitamin C, amino acids, and has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties so it is great for immune health. If you’re Vegan then don’t worry you can simply sub for pure maple syrup, which yes is still raw.
In theory a small portion of this dessert could help you to lose a little extra baggage, make you skin super gorgeous and smooth, and it will keep you in tip top condition… I personally feel however that anything containing sugar, be it fruit or raw honey, can still hinder weight loss if not eaten at the correct times, in the correct way, and in the correct portions. I try not to cook my sugars but that’s me.
Which brings me on to the next part, the cookie dough is 100% raw, the whole dessert is Paleo and Vegan, that’s right the ice-cream is egg and gelatin free. Buuuut the ice-cream in this recipe isn’t raw, if you want raw ice-cream then simply use about 400ml of coconut cream, and maybe melt in 25g of cacao butter if you have it, but sweeten to your taste as you may find that 1/4 cup of raw honey is too much. If you do decide to go for the raw ice-cream option you will find that you will have created a sort of fudgsicle/’Mini-Milk’ style ice cream.
If you don’t own a food processor don’t worry you can still make this by hand but you want to try and find some really fine grain ground almonds or use almond flour instead. You will also need a good sized dish to put your mixture into like this one. Now if you don’t want to spend so much on ingredients please do feel free to halve the cookie dough mixture, my ice-cream sandwiches were more cookie dough than ice-cream so halving the mixture will give you more of a traditional type ice cream sandwich, not one for a greedy lady like me!!!
Enough of my rambling though, I’m bored already – here is the recipe!!!
Yields: 8 large ice-cream sandwiches
Prep Time: 25 minutes (plus 2 hours setting time)
Cook Time: 30 minutes
For the cookie dough:
4 cups ground almonds (or almond flour)
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup raw honey or pure maple syrup
2 tbsp raw cashew or almond butter
2.5 tsp Pure Chimp Super Tea Matcha
20g raw chocolate or 90% chocolate (cut into chips)
For the matcha ice-cream:
250ml coconut cream
200ml coconut milk
1/4 cup raw honey or pure maple syrup
2.5 tsp Pure Chimp Super Tea Matcha
1/4 tsp Himalayan pink salt (optional but helps to reduce ice particles)
Optional drizzle topping:
10g raw chocolate or 90% chocolate (melted)
- Place all of the ingredients for your cookie dough (except for the chocolate chips) into the bowl of your food processor and pulse a few times before blending until smooth. The mixture may form a ball at first but then turn into a smooth paste, this is absolutely fine it is just because of the coconut oil melting – it will solidify!
- Stir in your chocolate chips and set aside. Line your dish with grease proof paper or baking parchment so that there is a decent amount of overhang on both sides. Lightly grease. Divide your mixture in half and carefully knuckle in one half of the mix until nice and even. Place your dish into your freezer until needed later. Wrap the remaining half in cling film and place into the fridge.
- Now it’s time to start your ice-cream. Place your coconut cream, coconut milk, and raw honey/maple syrup into a heavy bottomed pan, gently whisk in the ingredients and place on a medium heat until almost at boiling point. Reduce to a low heat and simmer gently for roughly 30 minutes until the mixture has thickened enough to evenly coat the back of a spoon. Transfer you mixture into a medium sized bowl and leave to cool for 5 minutes before placing into the freezer for 5 minutes.
- Remove from the freezer and whisk in your Pure Chimp Super Tea Matcha and Himalayan pink salt. I used an Aerolatte whisk to mix it in evenly, if you don’t own one you can easily transfer the mixture to a blender and blend until distributed evenly or whisk by hand. Place the mixture back into the freezer and stir every 15 minutes for an hour until the ice-cream becomes that of the texture of ‘soft serve’.
- Remove your dish containing the cookie dough from the freezer and spread over your matcha ice-cream. Place into the freezer for 30-40 minutes until fully frozen.
- Remove your remaining cookie dough from the fridge, warm it up with your hands slightly before pressing down, knuckling in until even, over the layer of ice cream. Place back into the freezer for 20-30 minutes until fully set.
- Remove from the freezer and using a sharp knife slice down the middle and into 8 rectangles. Drizzle with melted chocolate and return to the freezer once more until the chocolate has set.
- To serve you will want to carefully lever out a corner piece using a butter knife to loosen the edges somewhat. Leave your slice to thaw for 5 minutes before eating! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Two ice-cream sandwiches were harmed in the making of this blog post…
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