If you are reading this blog then you are obviously a fan of good food. But you’re also still wanting to look after your fabulous body. Well I, Kezia Hall, Holistic Health Coach and utter foodie, am no different. After spending years dealing with various health issues like IBS, chronic diarrhoea, eczema, depression and hormone issues (oh and a mild eating disorder and being 2 stone overweight too) I realised that food could be medicine and I could be a part of creating that healthy life I had always wanted.
That was why I created Super Naturally Healthy, why I retrained in holistic nutrition and life coaching so that I can help other people heal their bodies from the inside and out. It is also why I am so excited to be blogging here, with you, as I imagine we share similar foodie passions.
(And if you want to get your hands on my free smoothie and cake recipe eBook then just click here to become part of my Wellness Tribe. All recipes are grain, gluten, and sugar free of course!)
But today I am going to kick of my series of guest posts by talking about something that it took me a while to implement into my health and healing journey. And that is the arena of beauty and what I put on my skin.
You see for a long time I was very bothered and particular about what I would put in my body as I was determined I was going to heal, but I had little interest in what went on my skin. I just went for the best mascara, shower gel, or body butter on offer, or to be honest whatever my Gran gave me at Christmas.
Then I started to learn about how my skin was one of my largest organ, that I started to absorb anything that was put onto my skin within 5 seconds and that what goes onto our skin can enter our blood stream. Then I started to read the ingredients of my make up and beauty products , parabens, titanium, sulphites, and tons more stuff that seemed very artificial and toxic. So I started to make my own beauty products. Mainly because organic quality products out there can be pretty pricey but also so that I could ensure my body was getting the best and that no sneaky allergens were getting into my body to cause more havoc.
That is why Georgie has so wonderfully let me share with you this fabulous body butter which will leave you with silky skin but without any of the crap. I scented mine with wild orange essential oil but you can scent yours with any fragrance you like. I have made this with lavender (great for night time massage oil) tea tree ( to treat more problematic skin areas), peppermint ( for a refreshing zingy feeling) – so go with what you like best.
Ideally you want to go with organic ingredients and I use this all over my body, face, and even as a massage oil. A little goes a long way so this batch will keep you and your household going for ages …if you decide to share it that is 🙂
So make sure that you are not just eating healthy stuff but also feeding your skin with wonderful healing and natural products too. And make sure you come on over to find out more DIY recipes or stay tuned for future posts on this site!
Homemade Coconut Body Butter
250ml Coconut oil
85 ml Olive oil
20 drops of an essential oil – orange, lemon, lavender, tea tree, peppermint the list is endless
- Melt the coconut oil in a glass bowl over some boiling water. Then remove from heat add the olive oil.
- Place the bowl in the freezer for about 15 minutes or until the edges of the bowl start to harden.
- Remove and using a whisk start to whisk and add in essential oil. If using an electric whisk have it on a low speed.
- Whisk until a whipped thick butter is formed and then place into a sterilised jar*.
- Keep out of direct sunlight and will keep for 1-2 months depending on temperature
*Either put the jar in dish washer on hot run or fill with boiling water and then dry out in oven on low temperature.
- It will set hard but as soon as you have it in your hands it will melt and return to oily goodness!
- You only need to use a small amount for this and don’t worry about it being very oily – our skin needs it! It also works well for oil cleansing to which you can find out more about here
- And if you want to find some more DIY beauty or grain free recipe then make sure you head over to my website and get yourself on my mailing list!
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