Chlorophyll is probably something you remember learning about in biology class and not something you’d imagine you’d ever hear being used in a culinary sense. Yes, that gorgeous green pigment in plants absorbs energy from the sun allowing it to flourish, but it’s also pretty handy if you’re a human too. I’ll go into this in detail a little later. In my Chlorophyll Latte, I also add another little plant extract known as CBD (cannabidiol), which if you’re familiar with my posts will know, can be used for a whole host of ailments from depression to treating menstrual problems.
Ditch the coffee and start your day with this earthy and energising CBD Chlorophyll Latte that will detoxify the body and give your skin a model like glow.
With it being the new year a lot of you will have given up coffee, which is why I’m using both CBD and chlorophyll for their energising properties. That’s why there’s a low dose of Truth Naturals CBD in the recipe. Larger doses tend to ease anxiety and help with sleep so keep the dosage to 8mg or less. Chlorophyll has quite an earthy and grass-like taste but when diluted it’s pretty palatable and I think it tastes sort of similar to matcha. I sometimes like to sweeten my latte with stevia and/or add a little coconut oil to my milk before heating to help keep me energised for longer. You can use any plant milk of choice – I prefer cashew or almond milk which is easy enough to make yourself. I know that oat milk is all the rage at the moment but be sure to stay clear of brands like Alpro and use a well-trusted brand such as Oatly or Rude Health. They don’t use any nasties and haven’t been bulked out with fillers. Rude Health also sells a huge variety of plant milks too. (Not a plug, just brands that I have used in the past and trust.)
Liquid chlorophyll can be a bit tricky to find in health food stores so I tend to just buy it on Amazon. The brand I use is World Organic which is available in both Unflavoured and Mint but I haven’t seen the minty one available in the UK for a while. (Affiliate link used there sorry!) Both work well in the latte so don’t worry too much. Anyway, we have established that chlorophyll is essential to the survival of plants but what makes chlorophyll so great for humans? Well just take a look below to find out more…
- Boosts energy levels – chlorophyll is believed to have an almost identical structure to haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is used by our bodies to build and transport red blood cells around the body. Chlorophyll may act the same way by increasing the quantity and quality of the red blood cells in your body meaning that your cells receive a greater oxygen supply and as a result will leave you feeling more energised.
- Heals wounds – It’s believed that chlorophyll can slow down the rate at which damaging bacteria reproduce. This means it’s great for aiding healing wounds and preventing infections. I’ve used it before in face masks and to help heal minor cuts or open callouses.
- Deodorises internally – a bit of a weird one but chlorophyll can help to neutralise bad odours. In fact, this is one the reasons why I started to take it because I wanted to ditch deodorant. You can use it to treat body odour, halitosis (bad breath), and even oral thrush due to its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
- Improves complexion – going back to wound healing chlorophyll can help to treat wounded skin cells and repair them when used both internally and topically making it great for treating acne and other skin ailments. It’s also super rich in antioxidants and will destroy free radicals. Free radicals stop collagen production which speeds up the ageing process. So, if you’re wanting to knock a few years off your face I can vouch that liquid chlorophyll, when taken daily, will give you a clear and supple complexion.
- Detoxifies – Chlorophyll promotes the production of liver enzymes that bind to toxins and other unwanted materials in the liver. It then transports them out of your body – so if you start taking liquid chlorophyll and notice your wee turning green don’t worry. These detoxifying properties mean that it also doubles up as a pretty nifty hangover cure.
- Treats anaemia – Due to its blood regenerating properties chlorophyll is actually great at treating anaemia. Chlorophyll helps to improve the synthesis of globin turning free-form iron into red blood cells. This is why we are often told to increase our leafy green intake but it’s really hard to get enough chlorophyll from plants and so a liquid source helps to supplement efficiently. I have a really heavy menstrual flow and am prone to anaemia so liquid chlorophyll really helps with that.
So, as you can see liquid chlorophyll is pretty darn amazing, and when coupled with fabulous CBD it makes for a super energising drink that won’t leave you crashing later one. It’s worth noting however that chlorophyll can leave you more sensitive to the sun. I realised this one summer when I started breaking out in a heat rash. Once I stopped taking it the rash went. So, just slather on some extra suncream and go steady. Make sure you don’t exceed the dosage of 1 tbsp a day and if you’re new to it you may want to just start at 1 tsp and work your way up. Anyway, enough of my gabbling – here’s my super simple recipe for a CBD Chlorophyll Latte!
New to CBD? Find out what the perfect dosage is for you and how CBD can help you sleep. Oh, and don’t forget to grab £10 off the full Truth Naturals organic CBD range with the code GEORGINA10.
- 1 tbsp/15ml liquid chlorophyll
- 2 tbsp/30ml boiled water
- 0.5-1ml/4-8mg Truth Naturals 250mg CBD Oil Tincture
- 5-10 drops alcohol-free stevia or ½-1 tsp xylitol, raw honey, or maple syrup (optional)
- ¼ tsp vanilla extract (optional)
- 200ml almond milk (or any other milk)
- Add your liquid chlorophyll to a glass then whisk in 2 tbsp of freshly boiled water, CBD tincture, vanilla extract, and sweetener of your choice.
- Next froth your nut milk of choice in a milk frother or heat in a pan on low heat, frothing with an Aerolatte style whisk. Pour your milk over your prepared chlorophyll base and enjoy!
*All cup measurements used are UK cup measurements and so 1 cup = 250ml.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is NOT a sponsored post. I am a Truth Naturals affiliate and was sent some wonderful CBD goodies to create delicious recipes with. All opinions are my own and 100% honest. If you buy anything from the Truth Naturals website using any of the links contained with my post and use the discount code ‘GEORGINA10’, it won’t cost you any extra, but I will get a small commission to help keep my blog up and running. If you’d like to know more, feel free to contact me.
Kathryn W
23rd January 2019 at 8:16 pmI love this recipe. What are you thoughts on taking chlorophyll with an autoimmune disease?
23rd January 2019 at 8:22 pmThank you Kathryn ❤️ personally I think it has a lot of potential – I think there’s some evidence that it changes gut flora and reduces inflammation but still not enough studies have been done. Personally I think CBD would be more effective but I’m not a scientist