The CBD industry is currently booming in the UK and is rapidly branching out into edibles and beverages, so much so that’s it’s becoming an absolute minefield. I’ve lost count of the number of CBD-infused coffee brands that there are but Mighty Green Coffee stands out for one big reason. They stock gourmet CBD coffee pods that are compatible with your trusty Nespresso machine.
DISCLAIMER: Please note, I was sent some wonderful goodies from Mighty Green Coffee, and paid real money, to provide you with an honest review. All opinions are my own and 100% honest. This post also contains affiliate links. For more info scroll to the bottom.
I know that drinking coffee with CBD thrown in might sound like a bit of an oxymoron but rather surprisingly it works. CBD (a.k.a. cannabidiol) seems to have this crazy rep of being a super relaxing and hippy-dippy supplement that will leave you lounging around snacking out of the cereal box. But, this couldn’t be more wrong. Yes, CBD can relax you but it can also energise you, give you more stamina for your workouts, and help you to recover from life’s day to day stresses. It all depends on your dosage and how your body interacts with it.
Why Drink CBD Coffee?
Hands up if you get caffeine jitters?! Yup, you’re not alone. You grab a cuppa and within seconds you get that ridiculous rush of energy that’s almost too much to handle. You know – you’re that wired that you can’t even concentrate anymore and you’re watching your life fall apart in front of your very eyes. You might start sweating, shaking, and even getting heart palpitations before you just crash out completely, or at least curl up into a ball of anxiety. For some, this can happen with the tiniest bit of coffee and for others, it’s after having one cup too many. Either way, it’s safe to say that caffeine jitters suck.
…caffeine is a stimulant so when coupled with a low dose (about 5-8mg) of CBD you’ll still experience that much-needed alertness after drinking coffee but the adaptogenic properties of CBD are what help to even out the unwanted effects you get from the stimulant side of it. It’s a calm but alert sensation that you just can’t get from any other drink.
I’ve heard all kinds of arguments as to why we get the jitters – from mycotoxins (tiny bits of mould) in the coffee beans to having an existing predisposition to anxiety. Personally I am on the fence as to the real reason because there are so many scientific arguments that could sway me either way. What I do know, however, is that whenever I blend in at least a teaspoon of coconut oil or MCT oil into my coffee I don’t get as jittery, something I discovered after following the Bulletproof Diet.
Since discovering CBD oil a couple of years ago I realised that by adding just a small dose to my coffee it got rid of those jitters completely. At the moment there isn’t’ really a lot of scientific information available as to the exact interaction between CBD and caffeine to back me up. What I do know, however, is that at low doses, CBD is a stimulant and in higher doses a sedative – it’s also an adaptogen and so balances out every system in your body to create an equilibrium.
Scientifically speaking we all know that caffeine is a stimulant so when coupled with a low dose (about 5-8mg) of CBD you’ll still experience that much-needed alertness after drinking coffee but the adaptogenic properties of CBD help to even out the unwanted effects you get from the stimulant side of it. It’s a calm but alert sensation that you just can’t get from any other drink.
Mighty Green Coffee Cannabissimo CBD Coffee Pods, £7.45
I got so excited when I heard that Mighty Green Coffee sold CBD Coffee Pods that I actually went out and bought myself a mini Nespresso machine. Yup, I’m actually that sad. But, do you know what? It’s quite literally the best damn cup of coffee I have ever had. It’s that good that even Agent Cooper himself would be impressed. The crema came out exquisitely smooth, and I honestly let out a little squeal of joy as the machine ran. It was like watching a fountain of velvet adorn my cup. Okay, maybe that was a little too over descriptive but I think you get the point.
I felt like I’d been transported to the best coffee shop in the world, it was indeed a definitive experience for me.
I’m a flat white drinker so I opted to use a shot of espresso followed by 100ml of frothed milk which I frothed in my Dualit milk frother. There was no sign of that pesky cannabis-leafy earthiness as with the coffee grounds (read more about that below) and if you’d handed me a cup of this coffee to drink I would not have known that it contained CBD at all. It was just sweet and smooth coffee. I felt like I’d been transported to the best coffee shop in the world, it was indeed a definitive experience for me.
Every pack comes with 10, 5g Nespresso pods, and each pod is crammed with 4.9mg CBD and CBDA (cannabidiolic acid). For those that don’t know, CBDA is the precursor to CBD and is found in fresh hemp in abundance, more so than CBD itself. It’s converted into CBD via a process known as decarboxylation which is essentially just heating the flowers. I’m not sure how this translates when brewing coffee, however, and so the amount of CBD at the end of the cup might differ. It seems like just the right amount though, I still felt alert but calm and the mellowness was just right.
The only downside to the Mighty Green Coffee CBD Coffee Pods is that they aren’t particularly environmentally friendly due to the capsules being made of plastic. You can, however, remedy this by buying the coffee grounds and some reusable coffee pods to make your own.
At 75p a cup of coffee it’s an absolute steal, especially as a regular Nespresso pod costs between 40-50p. If you’re in a rush in the morning then the coffee pods are perfect – think school run mornings or if like me you have to take your kid to 3 different classes on a Saturday and literally don’t have time to breathe. It’s basically convenience in a cup that helps you to battle away the day’s stresses.
You can pick up the Mighty Green Coffee CBD Coffee Pods direct from their site for a reasonable £7.45.
Mighty Green Coffee Cannabissimo Gourmet CBD Coffee Grounds, £9.45
I felt like although the CBD Coffee Pods were the star of the show, that it was worth mentioning that Mighty Green Coffee stock coffee grounds with ground hemp flowers. Because, well… not everyone owns a Nespresso type machine. I mean, I didn’t until now.
To prepare a cup of Cannabissimo I used a large scoop of coffee, that probably weighed more than the recommended 7-10g of coffee grounds, but the effects themselves were pretty similar to that of the coffee pods. With the grounds, I like that you can control the taste of your coffee more so than you can with the coffee pods. Having said that though, the taste of the coffee pods definitely out-performed the grounds without a doubt. You just can’t mimic the crema you get with the pods from a regular coffee brewer or cafetière. If however, you own a swanky coffee machine that you can adjust the bar on etc. then the result would be the same.
There is a downside to using the grounds which is the inability to control the dosage as effectively unless you weigh out your coffee. To be honest, I don’t have much time for weighing things out, especially in the mornings. The exact amount of CBD that your body receives will also depend upon how much coffee you use and how long you leave it to brew. I can’t, however, see this as being a problem for your average CBD user but if you’re new to CBD you might want to weigh out your coffee to start with until you know your preferred dosage. I did find that a couple of times I brewed up some big scoops and did start to feel a little bit too chilled out but I think this is because I hadn’t slept much the night before.
If you use the maximum 10g per cup of coffee you’ll be able to make 25 cups per bag of coffee grounds which equates to roughly 38p per cup. That’s a lot more cost-effective than the coffee pods and way cheaper than visiting your local hipster barista.
You can pick up a 250g bag of Mighty Green Coffee CBD Coffee Grounds direct from their site for a £9.45.
The Verdict
Both products allowed me to get my CBD fix without faffing around and using a CBD oil supplement. If you’re used to adding CBD oil to beverages you’ll know that the oil separates easily unless you froth it with the milk. This usually results in the taste being incredibly strong, just like day-old bong water, which certainly doesn’t taste like coffee as you know it. With Mighty Green Coffee there’s none of that. It’s smooth coffee, with a flavour that’s comparable to that of Caffè Nero. Just ever so slightly more bitter and earthy when using the grounds. It is, however, a little sweeter when using the pods. There’s definitely no sacrifice on flavour and the functionality is incredible.
If you’re looking for that perfect cup of coffee that leaves you feeling like you’ve just slipped into a hot bath whilst recharging your batteries then Mighty Green Coffee’s Cannabissimo range is for you.
Mighty Green Coffee is manufactured in a small, modern factory close to the east coast of Italy. They only use high-quality green coffee beans which are packaged within 35 minutes from the beginning of the roast – so you’re really getting what you pay for. It’s fresh, gourmet coffee with a high flavour profile and it honestly shows. As always, I recommend to only buy from brands that can supply lab reports to ensure that you’re buying a safely manufactured and high-quality CBD product. Mighty Green Coffee have that information readily available, just click here to read their lab report.
I feel like the price for both products is fair considering the quality of the coffee, especially when using the CBD coffee pods. Most online coffee subscriptions sell 250g coffee grounds at around £7 and in the supermarket, high-quality coffee is roughly £4.50. The difference with Mighty Green Coffee is that, of course, you’re getting a dose of CBD. To replicate this yourself using a low dose tincture it would cost you about 75p per cup (the same as the CBD Coffee Pods) and of course extra time which is never fun.
Mighty Green CBD Coffee is definitely a no brainer. It’s also worth noting that untracked shipping is £2.00 with a 1-2 day turnaround, however, if you buy 3 packs of coffee the shipping is free so it is definitely best to bulk buy if you can. If you’re looking for that perfect cup of coffee that leaves you feeling like you’ve just slipped into a hot bath whilst recharging your batteries then Mighty Green Coffee’s Cannabissimo range is for you. Have you tried CBD in your coffee before? Let me know what you think in the comments below.
New to CBD? Looking for some inspiration on how to incorporate it into your life? Then check out my CBD recipe section here. Oh, and if you want to keep up to date with my deliciousness then sign up for my newsletter and I’ll love you forever – who am I kidding? I already do!
Disclaimer: Please note that this is a sponsored post. This means that I was sent free products and compensated in return for an honest review. Any payment I receive I use to purchase more ingredients and equipment to keep this blog up and running, and most importantly to keep creating quality content for you all. I am not an affiliate of Mighty Green Coffee and any purchases you make via them I will not be compensated for. I am not influenced by the company in any way and all opinions, ramblings, and thoughts are my own and 100% honest. I have however included an affiliate link to for a Dualit milk frother and reusable coffee pods. I will make a very small commission if you decide to make a purchase. If you’d like to know more, feel free to contact me.
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